Set goals for health and achieve them

set goals for health and achieve them, motivation space, motivation quotes

Health is priceless and if we have good health, we have everything. Know the famous slogan “ if money is lost nothing is lost, if health is lost something is lost and if the character is lost everything is lost.” This slogan is complete in all respect for us to follow in our life. Here in this article, I am talking about health so health matters for us more than money in our wallets. Let us see how to set goals for health and achieve them. We all are very busy in our daily life and it is very difficult to spare some time for our health in our daily routine work. So in this article, I describe some tips to set goals for health and achieve them along with our daily busy life.

I saw many people set goals for the long term but they do not complete them and quit before their time comes. So first thing is to make your mindset not stop before achieving your goal. Many people complain that they do not get more even after working on their health goals for a long time. There are many reasons for this failure so you have to find the reasons and improve things to be better than past. The most common reason for their failure to achieve the goal is they don’t know how to plan a strategy to achieve that goal. There are many articles available on the internet related to this subject. The simple solution to set goals for health and achieve them is to plan S.M.A.R.T. goals. 

The meaning of S.M.A.R.T.

S.M.A.R.T. is the acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, realistic, and Time. It was first used by George Doran in a magazine in 1982 which was related to a management review magazine. S.M.A.R.T. become more popular in all commercial fields because of its full abbreviations. I suggest using this term to set goals for health and achieve them in your life. In essence, a S.M.A.R.T. goal is an easy and perfect formula that helps you to define your health goal clearly, makes you focus on your efforts, and utilize your time perfectly to achieve your health target. You can use your resources productively to increase your chances of achieving a health goal successfully in your life. Let’s see each term of S.M.A.R.T. in brief.

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Specific, make your target specific

It is very important to make your goal specific so you can focus on your specific goal to work for it. You should be motivated and do the thing which is specified by you for making your health good and perfect. So make your target specific and always think about how to get success in your goal to make your health perfect. You may also think about the goal what do you want to accomplish by making your health perfect. Another term to think before making a specific goal for health is about the importance of health for you and your life. It all depends on you to decide when to achieve the goal for your health. You should seek the resources which may help you to achieve the goal for your health. Think broadly about the health goal to make it specific and achieve it by doing necessary efforts in your daily life. For example, a general goal would be ‘I lose 20 kg in one year’. While a SMART goal would be ‘I want to join yoga and gymnasium near me for a year to reduce my 20 kg weight. Make it specific to set goals for health and achieve them well in time.

Measurable, make your goal measurable from time to time

It is good practice to do things and see the progress from time to time. To do so you need to make the goal measurable in order to track the progress regularly and remain motivated. You know the progress with specific results from time to time when you want to reduce 20 kg in a year, after a month there may be some weight reduction with respect to that 20 kg. You will feel the thrill and stay focused when achieving the goals from time to time and getting closer to your specific and measurable goal. Achieving the goal with time intervals helps you to change your plan if required any change in it. There is some common question required to ask from time to time such that how many and how much?

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It means what to do to complete things well in time. Think about the indicator of your progress from time to time and see the results meanwhile. It is only up to you to know when the small goal is accomplished by you and you move forward to achieve the next milestone. As if you want to lose a minimum of 1 kg every 15 days. You can measure your progress to reduce weight after 15 days. If you achieve the same, you may continue your job else you have to change your strategies running presently. Make your goal measurable and set goals for health and achieve them with all your efforts.

set goals for health and achieve them, motivation space, motivation quotes

The achievable, set goal which is possible for you

There is a slogan that states nothing is impossible. I agree with that but to achieve something impossible you have to break a lot of rules. For example, if you pass your 10th class with low marks and you think you can get more marks, you can not appear again in the same standard. So it is very important to make the goals for your health that are achievable. You know what kind of challenge is acceptable and beatable so choose the goal accordingly. It is not possible for everyone to go to the top of Mount Everest, but everybody can try to do it. You know very well about the things you can achieve in your life. Your goal should stretch your abilities enough to make challenge yourself. 

You know all about your goal whether it is achievable or not. You know your strength, resources, and timetable. Other people can only guide you to do the things but it all depends on you to accept the challenge and do the things to achieve the health goal. Never make a fake promise to yourself to live in an imaginary world. Make things real and perfect and do work hard to achieve your goal. Think about the things that you are missing to accomplish your target and try to complete them. For example, it is not possible to reduce 20 kg in 2 months. Make achievable and set goals for health and achieve them.

Realistic, set your goal realistic, and do not go imaginary

It is good to set goals for health and achieve them but your goal should be realistic and not imaginary. No one knows you better than yourself. You are the only person who knows what is possible for you and what is imaginary. So make sure to set a realistic goal related to your health. It is very easy to imagine that I can ride on mount everest but there are many things required in a realistic world for me to do so. I suggest keeping your goals realistic and making sure that your goal should be practically achievable. Set your health goals according to the resources available to you and the main thing is time. Ask some questions to yourself before setting the goal. The first question is, is the goal reachable or not? Second is, are you able to commit to achieving the goal? For example, it is not possible to make a run of 20 miles in a single day in the beginning. You can achieve this goal by doing a lot of practice regularly. So it is realistic to run 20 miles in one day but not on the first day. set goals for health and achieve them by selecting only realistic goals. 

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Time-Bound is the important and last term of this article

Know the value of time as it is going very fast. I think about the time when I was a Child and studied in junior classes and the present time. Time is flying without any delay, it doesn’t stop or pause for any reason. So you should select the goal for health time-bound to achieve them well in time. It is very useful to make some specific deadline to accomplish your goal. Also, It will make you do things well in time and make use of your time efficiently. It also makes you sure that you have a predefined duration to work towards it. Making some time-bound goal also make you busy and sure that your goal not going down on your priorities list. A question mark always is run through your mind and that is When? When will I complete this task? It is a common question to run through your mind always before accomplishing the achievement of your goal. 

Conclusion for set goals for health and achieve them

In this article, I try to describe some terms related to setting goals for health and achieving them. I try to elaborate on each thing related to it in brief and hope you found this article helpful. You may contact us or drop a comment below for any queries or suggestions related to this article. Happy reading!!

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