nutrition tips for healthy life, motivation space, motivation quotes

Nutrition tips for a healthy life

Our body needs nutrition as a vehicle needs fuel. A balance nutrition diet is very important and helpful for a healthy life. Calories are the unit of fuel for the human body. The key to a healthy diet is to take the perfect combination of nutrition and the right amount of calories. In this article, I describe some nutrition tips......
select the right gym for you, motivation quotes, motivation space

Select the right Gym for you

Selection of the right Gym is the first achievement towards your health goal. The thing is what to check in the Gym before selecting the daily workout. In this article, I describe some things to check before select the right gym for you. Once you make your resolution to do something related to your health by joining a gym, you......
spread your positive energy, motivation space, motivation quotes

Spread your positive energy

We get in back what we give in this universe, so you should spread your positive energy to make this world positive. A famous slogan by Stephen covey is “You have to be the type of person that generates positive energy and avoids negative energy, instead of fortifying it.” In a perfect world, only positive things would be happening which......
strive for excellence not perfection , motivation space, motivation quotes

Strive for excellence not perfection

 A famous slogan by Ryan Holiday perfectionism rarely begets perfection or satisfaction only disappointment. We should strive for excellence not perfection. Perfection does not come instantly, it needs excellence in any field. Getting perfection in any field is very difficult without getting excellence in it.  Perfection rarely happens in someone’s life as it takes a lot of experience and hard......
health benefits of positive thinking, motivation space, motivation quotes

Health benefits of positive thinking

Develop a healthy attitude inside you and do not wait to catch it from others. In this article, I describe some important health benefits of positive thinking. Positive people live healthy lives and they do not dwell on the negatives. Positive thinking people look beyond the negativity and focus on the positive things only. Health mostly depends on the mental......