World Diabetes Day, motivation space, motivation

World Diabetes Day

World Diabetes Day: Shining a Light on the Silent Epidemic. World Diabetes Day, celebrated on November 14th each year, is a global reminder of the growing diabetes epidemic and an opportunity to raise awareness about this chronic condition. Established by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the World Health Organization (WHO), this observance seeks to shine a light on the......
World Antibiotic Awareness Week, motivation, motivation space

World Antibiotic Awareness Week

World Antibiotic Awareness Week: Combating Antimicrobial Resistance. World Antibiotic Awareness Week (WAAW) is an annual observance that takes place from November 18th to 24th, and it serves as a global platform to raise awareness about the responsible use of antibiotics and the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a pressing global health challenge that has the potential......
World Pneumonia Day , motivation space, motivation

World Pneumonia Day

World Pneumonia Day: Combating the Silent Epidemic. World Pneumonia Day, observed annually on November 12th, is a global call to action to raise awareness about pneumonia, a silent but deadly infectious disease that claims the lives of millions, particularly among the most vulnerable populations. Pneumonia, often overshadowed by high-profile diseases, is a leading killer, especially of children under the age......
nutrition tips for healthy life, motivation space, motivation quotes

Nutrition tips for a healthy life

Our body needs nutrition as a vehicle needs fuel. A balance nutrition diet is very important and helpful for a healthy life. Calories are the unit of fuel for the human body. The key to a healthy diet is to take the perfect combination of nutrition and the right amount of calories. In this article, I describe some nutrition tips......
select the right gym for you, motivation quotes, motivation space

Select the right Gym for you

Selection of the right Gym is the first achievement towards your health goal. The thing is what to check in the Gym before selecting the daily workout. In this article, I describe some things to check before select the right gym for you. Once you make your resolution to do something related to your health by joining a gym, you......
perfect ways to improve gut health, motivation space, motivation quotes

Perfect ways to improve gut health 

Gut health is precious for us with respect to other health related things. We become what we eat and our whole body system works accordingly. We know the importance of Gut health to our overall well being in all respects. In this article, I describe some perfect ways to improve gut health by ourselves. A healthy gut is very important......