Strive for excellence not perfection

strive for excellence not perfection , motivation space, motivation quotes

 A famous slogan by Ryan Holiday perfectionism rarely begets perfection or satisfaction only disappointment. We should strive for excellence not perfection. Perfection does not come instantly, it needs excellence in any field. Getting perfection in any field is very difficult without getting excellence in it.  Perfection rarely happens in someone’s life as it takes a lot of experience and hard work. A perfect state is not definite because goalposts always remain moving. So what is perfect today will no longer be perfect tomorrow or later. In a general way, perfection is practically impossible. Strive for excellence not perfection, aiming or striving for excellence is a different matter altogether. In our mind, perfect does not exist but we should try our best to get excellence.

We should believe that we can always do things better. We should be thinking positively and the good thing is that when we think about the possibility of impossible things. Also, We may not know the upper limit but we should keep doing work to push toward excellence. We set the bar too high to be perfectionism in our work. We must always try to be perfect in our job in an impossibly tall order. It is even worse that we are unknowingly setting ourselves up for failure many times over. No matter how many times we try, we are climbing up a steep and slippery slope with no end. Below are some ways we can overcome perfectionism and do our very best to become excellent at what we want to do in our life.

Focus on the real goal of life

Focus on what really matters in our life and leave the things which are useless and not necessary for us. We make our goals to strive for perfection. We know it is unrealistic that no one can ever achieve perfection. It does not matter how many times we try, we never going to be satisfied with the results. Suppose we are trying to launch a website and we want it to be perfect, we’d never get our website launched as it will never be the perfect first time. We will launch the website and do work on it for a long time to make it perfect. So we have to strive for excellence not perfection because excellence is the first step to getting perfection.

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We should be focusing on perfecting every little detail which never gets done before. If we are hiring someone else to build our website, we will never be happy with their work the first time. We will tell them to do many changes to the website even after completion. If we want to succeed then we must launch our business whether it is ready or not. We should have a plan for launching the business at the perfect time and feasible resources. After perfect launch changes may be made from time to time to make it perfect. We have to make some changes according to the latest trend. At least we got our business launched and we didn’t fail big time since we were not focused on making it perfect. We must strive for excellence not perfection.

Take a look at things from different angles

See things from different angles and do improvements accordingly to get perfection. If we think it is hard to get over our perfectionism then we have to try to think of what happens if do not achieve our goals in our life. We will not be happy with our failure and not achieving the goal. We must reward ourselves for little achievements it will make our morale up and things work perfectly. If you are not getting success the first time then break the big task into little milestones and achieve them one by one. After achieving a milestone make a plan to get to the next milestone and do so on until complete the whole task. In between look at your progress from each angle and try to get the goal perfectly. So strive for excellence not perfection and look the things from different angles.

strive for excellence not perfection , motivation space, motivation quotes

Keep control on inner voice

It is very helpful to get our critical and inner voice under control when aiming to be perfect at something. We can quite hear a nagging voice in our heads. We know what we are doing it is negative or positive for our goal. For instance, it may tell us that we have got to do things perfectly otherwise no one going to lie to us anymore. If we do not do our task perfectly, then someone is going to take over our spot and we will no longer be the brightest and most popular person in the organization. When our inner voice shouts this is the negative nonsense thing, we should stop doing that nonsense thing. After it, we could end up stressed, anxious, nervous, and depressed. We know we can never be perfect so why do we listen to our inner critic? Think positive thoughts and leave the negative approach to doing things. Give your best to do the things and motivate yourself to strive for excellence not perfection. 

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Enjoy every little achievement moment

We aim to be perfect in our profession. One method to get perfection is awarding ourselves for every little achievement. Reward yourself for every job well done because the same event will not happen in your life again. So if you strive for excellence, you have plenty of chances to reward yourself. There are a lot of benefits to having a reward system in place. We become more motivated, and we become more inspired to continue on with our journey of success in our life. However, if we do not achieve our goals right away, we can still reward ourselves. By rewarding ourselves for our efforts, for trying, and for doing our best. We should always remind ourselves to think positively and thanks to all our efforts, We are now closer to reaching our goals. We should enjoy every little achievement moment and strive for excellence not perfection

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Always try to do positive action

It is always useful to focus on doing some positive action in our daily life. When we feel so hung up on trying to be perfect, we end up not doing anything at all. It is known as analysis paralysis. We may analyze every little thing that happens to us on doing our work. Actually, we are constantly fretting about small details that in the long run won’t really make an impact on our goals. For example, before launching a website we should worry about the font faces, sizes, images, and color combinations. 

Once we launch our website it should attract readers and perform better than others. The design of the website may be changed later on but we should make these things final before launching the website. When we focus on doing some positive action, we’re pushing ourselves to move forward to get perfection. As long as we do something that brings us closer to achieving our dreams, that’s a positive thing right there. We can always improve later on, but the point is that we are at least doing something and we’re not stuck in overthinking mode. 

Conclusion for Strive for excellence not perfection

In this article, I describe some important things about Strive for excellence not perfection. I hope you like the content of this article. You may contact us or drop a comment below for any queries or suggestions. Your suggestions are always welcome by us. Sharing is caring. Share this article if you found this article positive

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