Discomfort is the base of growth

Discomfort is the base of growth, motivational quotes, motivation space

Discomfort is not an unknown thing. Discomfort is always helpful to get success. Most people committed their life toward their dreams and goals. It is not an easy way to achieve your goals and be true to your dreams. You have to sacrifice a lot of things and compromise with discomfort. You have to choose the discomfort as discomfort is the base of growth for any person. Every person wants to live in a comfort zone with a comfortable life. In this article, let’s see some amazing benefits of discomfort in life to make growth and achieve the goal.  

Life of successful persons

Successful persons always lived a discomfort lifestyle. They sleep very less time and do a lot of work to get their goals. Comfort is always dangerous for our health and mental state. You realize it any time when you get some warm you get to sleep very soon. When you eat a very heavy meal you get to sleep very soon and do not concentrate on your work. When you listen to comfortable music you get to sleep very soon. Same as there are many other things which make you lazy during a comfortable time. Most successful persons leave their comfortable life and live very discomfort life to achieve their goals in life. These people know very well that discomfort is the base of growth.

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Discomfort is the fulfilment of any goal 

Most people don’t know that discomfort is one of the most important things of commitment needs to achieve the goal. Every person has an inbuilt automatic mechanism which is known as the goal fulfilment mechanism. This mechanism let you know about the requirements for achieving your goal. You realize it many times when you commit to doing something, you know the requirement from your side automatically. 

You came to know you want to do this by having some local resources only. This time the goal fulfilment mechanism tells you fine, Let me arrange things for that and it does it very easily. Discomfort is one of the important things known by the goal fulfilment mechanism. So finally you also came to know discomfort is the base of growth. 

Discomfort is the base of growth, motivational quotes, motivation space

Lessons need to learn to have our goal

Our own thoughts tell us the lessons we must learn to achieve our goals. Our thoughts arrange that required lesson and tell us to follow them. Sometimes these lessons come into our thoughts very easily because of our previous experiences. Sometimes these lessons come very late in our thoughts when the challenge is a new one for us. For example, when we make a conversation with our friends, the lessons come in our thoughts very easily. Sometimes when our boss asks us to explain something unknown. These lessons come into our thoughts very late. It doesn’t matter how the lessons come into our thoughts we need to experience these lessons. 

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Uncomfortable is a part of the process

This line “Uncomfortable is a part of the process” is a little bit rough to understand. Sometimes we feel pleasant when the goal is easy to achieve. Our inner thoughts work like a goal-fulfillment mechanism, to see what is the needy thing and what is not required for any process. One thing is important for any process that is uncomfortable life. Our thoughts feel good when we get our goal ( like purchasing a new car). Our thoughts make us feel bad when we lost our goal (like stealing my car). So the term uncomfortable is a part of any process generated by our thoughts in our mind. 

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When we need something new our comfortable zone must be big to add new things. The bigger the new thing make the more comfortable zone greater. When things become small than the comfortable zone it becomes an uncomfortable zone. This discomfort is the base of growth for you to achieve the goal in your life. 

Conclusion for Discomfort is the base of growth

In this article, I describe some important things about Discomfort as the base of growth. I hope you found this article helpful to you in this concern. You may contact us or drop a comment below for any query or suggestion. Your suggestions are always welcome by us. Happy reading!

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